Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life. Got. Crazy

Ok, so here's the thing. I'M MOVING 1,000 MILES TO AUSTIN IN ONE WEEK!

It is all happening so fast, I can't even believe it. I will have another post soon, but in the mean time, check this out. I have a guest blog post on Starr Hall's blog (y'know, she's only has a column for Entrepreneur Magazine's website, is an amazing public speaker, and been on all major networks talking about social media. No big.)

It is 4 Ways to Use Pinterest for Local Business. Check it out here.

So once I get to Austin and settle down a bit from the insanity that is a new city, I will get back into the swing of my blog. WOW! Life is happening. Now. Live it.

Thanks so much for reading!

Now go get your social on!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sometimes, good things happen

This post will be subtitled: Always be aware of the jaded employee.

I've gone back to the gym. After a 5 month hiatus from the sweaty house of pain, I have made a glorious return. I am going back because the director of a film that I will potentially be in wanted me to tone up the upper body a little. Cool. In doing our research of the local pain fare, we were informed by this particular gym that it was getting ready to go under new management after the weekend. If we bought the gym membership before the weekend was over, they could get us a specific price for three months, but after that, they couldn't guarantee what the rates were going to be. The rate was substantially less than the others in town, so we took advantage of that immediately. Here's where the story gets awesome.

I showed up to the gym in a moderately jovial mood, as I was already having a pretty good day, so I was particularly chatty and personable. Two guys were working, one the soon-to-be-previous owner, and another employee. I reminded them who I was and that I was here to renew for three months. They looked me up, renewed my membership and told me the price. I handed ye olde card of looming debt to the owner guy. He took my card, then stared at a blank spot on the counter. He looked over at his employee for a second, back to the empty space on the counter, and back to the employee. "Did he (I assume the new owner) take the %$#@ credit card machine?" It was agreed between the two of them that he had, in fact, taken the %$#@ credit card machine. The man handed me back my card and said, "Congrats, you're renewed." I didn't argue.

I tell this story because there is a moral. Always be wary (or be aware) of the jaded or disgruntled employee. This is the employee most likely to cause you the headaches as a business owner, especially online. He is the employee that will post that inappropriate Facebook post because he just doesn't care or isn't aware enough of how it could affect business. He is the one who will tweet about a client/customer, not thinking about the fact that the client/customer is a Twitter follower. We've all heard the disastrous stories from careless employees on social media. The best way to avoid this, of course, is to communicate with your employees. Be transparent about your business and how what they do affects it, in both the positive and the negative ways. Get to know them, talk to them, be interested in them. Pay attention to what employees say about your company both online and in person. Be sure to incentivize and you may not even have to worry about disgruntled employees because they will actually want to work for you. This doesn't necessarily mean throw money at them, but let them know that they are appreciated with words, publicly commend them via a company board or blog, or provide them with some small token of appreciation. Otherwise, you just never know when they may just try to stick it to the man (or woman).
Also, as a customer, always look for the disgruntled employee and be nice to him. He may hook you up, like by giving you a free three month gym membership.

Have you ever had an experience with an employee who was disgruntled or jaded, good or bad, as an employer or customer? Comment about it! Remember to share, Like, Tweet or +1.

Now go get your social on!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2012: The Year of the Orwell?

Chris Brown wins a Grammy? What? We'll get back to that later.

I saw a couple of news reports today that sparked the title for today's blog post. I'd like to lay them out here with some of my own thoughts and as for yours as well.

1. Brazil is suing Twitter over people's tweets about police activity.

Twitter announced earlier this year that it would start deleting tweets according to government requests, which threw some people into an uproar and even spawned a mild, albeit ineffective, blackout on Twitter. The Brazilian government is one of the first to take them up on this offer, which takes me back to a SOPA issue that many had. Can a website that acts as a constant public forum be held responsible for what people are posting on it? Many people's fear with SOPA was that websites could be taken down because someone posted material that may have been copyrighted, even if the website owner was unaware that the material was copyrighted and the poster was not affiliated with the website. Do people have the right to post things like warnings of police roadblocks or checkpoints? I can't say that the Brazilian government doesn't have good measure for wanting to enact on this. These checkpoints are set up for good reason, and warning others of their presence renders them basically useless. On top of that, the money spent on setting up and manning the roadblock become wasted and fruitless. Does allowing the Brazilian government to have these deleted open the floodgates for future censorship in a time when it may not be as warranted as this situation is? Where do you draw the line? I can't decide. I see merit on both sides of the argument. I think that the censored tweets situation is going to be a case-by-case argument in which there will very possibly be times when it goes too far and should not be enacted by Twitter. 

2. Surveillance drones-Not just for overseas anymore.

How do you feel about  a stealthy little surveillance-ocopter buzzing around keeping an eye on what you do? This is not a fictional extension of George Orwell's mindset of our world, but an actual reality. Aside from the obvious privacy invasion innate to this, these drones would also be sharing the airspace with commercial airlines. Can you imagine? Flying at a safe altitude, and suddenly hearing a *clunk* from outside. The captain comes over the intercom, "No worries folks. That was just a government surveillance drone we ran into. Nothing to be concerned about." How is this not getting more attention than it is? How are people not questioning the lengths to which this will be allowed to go? I've read that some privacy advocates are up in arms about it, but is the average person aware of this? Has anyone been keeping any tabs on the depth to which these drones would be allowed to spy on the average person? I'd be curious to hear people's response on this. 

Finally, if I went to Hollywood with a script in my hand and pitched the idea, "Ok, so this guy is a musical artist. He has some hits, but then he beats the daylights out of his girlfriend. He only gets probation since he's famous, but then he comes back to win Best R&B Album at the Grammy Awards." They'd laugh me out of the room and tell me that you could never get an audience behind a guy who beats his girlfriend. Hollywood couldn't even make this stuff up. 

Well that's it for this post. I just wanted to put out there some things that I saw and I'd love to hear reactions, thoughts, and arguments about these, on either side of the argument. 


Friday, February 10, 2012

And for my first trick...

I'm actually going to post a link to a guest blog post I just did for The Social Penguin Blog. In it, I talk about recent examples of how social influence from outcries on the various networks has actually caused change in our world. I also ask people to weigh in with their thoughts on this form of activism and if it has stay power to continue enacting change.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I started a blog

I have things to say. So I figured, why not start a blog. This will be a (probably) weekly forum for me to talk about things going on in my life, things going on in the social media space, and things that I have strong feelings about. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you comment on it. I hope you follow it. Here we go!